Monday, May 16, 2016

SOM Peer

Who - Brandon Semenuk
What - Redbull Rampage 
Where - Utah
When - Friday Oct. 16 2015
Why - Redbull is hosting the biggest downhill mountain biking event in the world
How - Live on tv and other broadcasting.

Car Raid preview

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)? Colby
2. When will you do this car raid? I have already done it and wrote it on paper.
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview? What is the smell of the car? How old is the car? How clean is the car? What is inside of the car? How do they drive the car?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line? Just details of how clean it is and what main and small things are inside of it.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Opinions Story

       Uber and lift in my option are two of one of the best things that came to Austin. Everyday during the summer I would go downtown to ride my bike with my friends.
       My parents and my friends parents would have to take a lot of time out of their day just to take and pick us up from downtown everyday.
      Once Uber and lift came along my parents were first not sure about it. Then my parents used uber on the way home from a party with their friends. After that me and all my friends would split the prices to Uber or Lift downtown.
      Then Prop 1 came.... Prop one was made to force Uber and Lift to have very strict background checks on the drivers. I feel like background checks are very important, but  I don't think that they should be so strict that they throw a very important company out of business.
       I think that Uber and Lift should come up with a cheap but very good system for background checks. That way they can go back into business and help people who are in need of a ride.