Friday, January 22, 2016


List 25 things that should be in a yearbook.
1. title
2. hard cover
3. subtitle
4. title on first page
5. index
6. sports
7. fine arts
8. core classes
9. student pictures
10. staff pictures
11. teacher of the year
12. students of the year
13. motivational stories
14.  extracurricular activités
15. school events
16. trending music
17. trending movies
18. trending shows
19. trending cloths
20. trending shoes
21. senior messages
22. pages #'s with your name
23. class pictures
24. year of year book on side
25. make the title pop

1. What is the title of your book?
2. What school is it from?

McNeil High School
3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the bookSports
4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best

5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic

The action spread
6. Is there an Index in your book?

7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?

8. Is there a table of contents?

9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?

10. What state is your book from?


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover and Prompt Shoot #3 peer review

1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?

I looked at Payton's magazine it was called "Nature Weekly".

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover

All the different colors were nice. It flowed together good

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover

don't think anything needs to be changed.

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.

I picked it because of the colors. They were very vibrant.

5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?

yeah there is a bar code. Yes it is placed correct 

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?

Yeah, I would pick this cover up. As soon as i looked it would stick out with its colors.

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?

I thought it was more of a portrait.

1. Which photo do you like best? Why?

I like her pause picture. Because its very creative.

2. Which is your least favorite image? Why?

Pose, Because it is too original.

3. Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.

Good use of the photography rules. Nice Focus.

4. Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.

More creativity

5. Which prompt do you think they did the best portraying, from your perspective?


6. Which prompt do you think they did the least successfully portray, from your perspective?


Prompt Shoot 3

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Most Important

1. What was the best song of 2015?
Hotline Bling 
i like this song because i like drake.
i like this song because i like hip hop.

2. What was the best movie of 2015?
Mad Max
Ilike this move because i like to play the mad max video game.
i like this movie because i love the action.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?
Amrak train crash
i liked this story because i liked the action.

4. Who was the most important person of 2015?
i don't have a most important person

5. most important entertainment person
Roman Atwood
Roman Atwood is the most important person to mer because he is very positiver and gies amazing advice.
I also like him because of his entertaining pranks and blogs.

Welcome Back

 I really like this photo because for some reason it reminds me of something that makes me happy...
 I really like this one because i can't really figure out what it is. I also really like all of the different colors.
I like this photo because it has a lot of very amazing views and just seems like a very fun vacation.