Monday, September 28, 2015

Unusual And Interesting Photos

1. What is your reaction to his work? I think his work is confusing.
2. How do you think he made these photos? With photoshop.
3 Think about some buildings you have seen, which ones would be good to take a photo like this? Tell me about those buildings, where are they, could you get easy access to them? The capital, Austin, TX, and yes.

 1. Why did you pick this photo? Its colorful 
2. What category did you find this photo? Sports
3. What award did it win (what place)? 1st
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) Had the american flag in the picture 
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? A lot because of the flag in so important 
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? The smoke is a cool touch
 1. Why did you pick this photo? It has a lot of action in the background
2. What category did you find this photo? Photographer of the year 
3. What award did it win (what place)? 2nd 
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) The explosion in the background 
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? A lot because its sad 
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? Being at the right place at the right time.

1. Why did you pick this photo? Its Colorful 
2. What category did you find this photo? Pictorial Singles 
3. What award did it win (what place)? 2nd
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) The color of the sky
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012?A lot because of how rare it is.
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? Well just to find this random roller coaster in the water.

1. Below each photo are suggestions for photographers. List 3 of the ones you think are the most important for photographers to remember when they are out shooting.
2. Pick your favorite painting, get a copy of it and post it on your blog.
3. Then go find a REAL photo that looks like your painting. DO NOT GET AN ACTUAL PHOTO OF THAT PAINTING, find a photo that copies the style of the painting, but is NOT the painting.
4. Did the photographer follow the suggestions fully?
5. Which style of painting do you think might influence you?

Photo Manipulation And Ethics

People do not like how or when you manipulate photos because it takes off from its normal state. Like when he made the plane have 3 Flares instead of 3.
I think this was unethical because you need to keep the original picture, when the situation is serious. That way when people see it they won't get the wrong idea about what actually happened. Once it gets around thats how you get fired like this photographer did.
I don't think this is unethical because i think it just gives a really cool effect. And i feel like this will stick out to people more.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academics & Community Service

I picked the photo with the girl doing a science experiment with this cool purple paint flying everywhere. 

1. Why did you pick this photo? I picked this because i really like picture that have action.
2. What rules of photography are evident in the photo? Balance and Framing.

Finally - your next shoot will involve shooting academics, which means in classrooms around the campus.

1. Where do you think you could take photos like the ones you look at today? In a science classroom.
2. Whose classroom would you like to visit and take photos in? 
    In my tech theater class, the theater has some cool shots
3. What will you do, as the photographer, to get amazing photos like you look at today? 
    Get good angles and make sure the person is not looking at the camera 

Filling the frame

       This picture is really good because the who thing has a person in it. It makes
       it so you have to look at it for a long time to see everything.

Action and Emotion

     This picture has a lot of action in it. It gives off a scary mood. I think this is cool how the background is black, so all you can see is the people and whats going on.

The Story

                   This photo tells the best story because there is so much going on. The two girls seem to be having fun but ale scared at the same time. This picture just looks cool with the explosion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Camera

1. Explain the “camera obscura” effect. How is it achieved?
The effect came to be known as the "camera obscura" which is Latin for "dark room". This was the first camera. The hole acted like a lens, focusing and projecting light onto the wall of the dark chamber.
2. What invention during the 17th Century helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera?
Lenses and Optics 
3. What were the parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce? 
The film 
4.What do modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce’s camera?
The were both small and portable 
5. What do digital cameras use to capture an image?
Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film. And guess what? The end result is still a photograph
6. What is the difference between the Auto Mode and the Program mode?
Of all the shooting modes, Auto/Program is probably the most useful. Most people don't really want to learn about how a camera works, and point and shoot photography is the perfect solution.The fully automatic (A)uto or (P)rogram mode is the default for most modern cameras. The photographer can simply aim, press the button, and almost be guaranteed a great image.
7. What is the Portrait mode used for? How does it work?
To attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting (aperture).
8. What is the Sports mode used for? (not just sports) How does it work?
To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible.
9. Why should you do a half press on the trigger button? 
To make the camera focus
10. What does this symbol mean? That means the camera will not flash
            When would you use this? You would use this when you don't want the flash (during the day)
11. What does this symbol mean? It means the flash will be activated automatically
            When would you use this? When you are in a rush and you can't choose or when you don't know
12. What happens to your photo if there is too much light?
Too much light and the picture will be washed out
13. What happens to your photo if there is not enough light?
It will be too dark
14. What is a “stop.”
The term "stop" is used in every aspect of photography to represent a relative change in the brightness of light.
15. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are two suns instead of one? 

one stop 16. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are four suns instead of two?
2 stops 17. What affect does a longer shutter speed of have? 
more light is let in 18. What affect does a shorter shutter speed have?
Smoother picture 19. What does the aperture control?
Before light reaches film, it must pass through an opening called an "Aperture". The aperture is like a pupil.
20. When adjusting the aperture, how can you increase the amount of light?
Make the it larger

Friday, September 18, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

Ansel Adams
Bridal Veil Fall,
Yosemite Valley

Ansel Adams was born on February 20, 1902 and died on April 22, 1984. He was a photographer and a environmentalist, which is why he like to take photos of the environment. The locations he like to shoot was the American West, and Yosemite National Park. He also founded a photography  group called f/64. Fun fact is that his photos can be sold for as much as $25,000,000! I really like his photos because he has a similar taste as i do, i love nature pictures.

origin of birth, education, jobs, books published,

Great Black and White Photographers

                                                            Carleton Watkins
Coast View Number One

Great Black and White Photographers

                                                      Margaret Bourke-White
Diversion Tunnels, Fort Peck Dam

Great Black and White Photographers

                                                              Ansel Adams
Bridal Veil Fall,
Yosemite Valley

Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie) It was hard to figure out what pictures to take that would make everyone happy not just one person. I also had a hard time finding a interesting picture to take of bowie.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. I found myself trying to get the focus good that way the picture would come out nice.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography? I would use the rule of thirds more often.

4. What things would you do the same? I feel like the focus in my pictures are good, so i would keep that the same.

5. Finally - go back and edit your blogs with the 4 photos (square, metal, happy, Bowie), tell me what rules of composition (which you just learned about) did you end up actually achieving? Did you have any? Balance, Simplicity, framing, Merger.6. Are you interested in shooting those same prompts again, why? Yes some of them, I really liked happy and lines they give you a lot of options and i think the pictures cam out very good.

I like the picture of the metal picture because the shadows were cool, and it also had good balance. I also like the square photo because it makes you wonder how far it goes out of the frame. The only thing i would change is the bowie photo and take it so the crack is not in the corner. Your pictures look really good.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

first photos

    I like how the photo is focused on the petals. I also like the sun in the picture. The only thing i don't lie is that there is a car in the background, so it takes away from the nature feel of the picture.
 I like all of the different colors in the picture. I also like how the background contrasts with the subject. The only thing i dislike is the fact that the butterfly sorta blends in with the flower.

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