Monday, September 28, 2015

Unusual And Interesting Photos

1. What is your reaction to his work? I think his work is confusing.
2. How do you think he made these photos? With photoshop.
3 Think about some buildings you have seen, which ones would be good to take a photo like this? Tell me about those buildings, where are they, could you get easy access to them? The capital, Austin, TX, and yes.

 1. Why did you pick this photo? Its colorful 
2. What category did you find this photo? Sports
3. What award did it win (what place)? 1st
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) Had the american flag in the picture 
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? A lot because of the flag in so important 
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? The smoke is a cool touch
 1. Why did you pick this photo? It has a lot of action in the background
2. What category did you find this photo? Photographer of the year 
3. What award did it win (what place)? 2nd 
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) The explosion in the background 
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? A lot because its sad 
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? Being at the right place at the right time.

1. Why did you pick this photo? Its Colorful 
2. What category did you find this photo? Pictorial Singles 
3. What award did it win (what place)? 2nd
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) The color of the sky
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012?A lot because of how rare it is.
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? Well just to find this random roller coaster in the water.

1. Below each photo are suggestions for photographers. List 3 of the ones you think are the most important for photographers to remember when they are out shooting.
2. Pick your favorite painting, get a copy of it and post it on your blog.
3. Then go find a REAL photo that looks like your painting. DO NOT GET AN ACTUAL PHOTO OF THAT PAINTING, find a photo that copies the style of the painting, but is NOT the painting.
4. Did the photographer follow the suggestions fully?
5. Which style of painting do you think might influence you?

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