Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fashion Photography

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. 
    got rid off face faults. Made eyes a lot larger.
2. List the changes that were made to the model's body in the computer. 
    Made her body parts a lot larger. got rid of all o her face faults.
3. List the changes that were made to the model in the computer. 
    Slimed her body a lot.
4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not?
    I think its ok is the other person is ok with it. Because if they want to look better, its there choice.
5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
   It would not be ok if the person who is getting changed did not know about it.
6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?

   Every type of change is ok if its ok with the person.
7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.

    You have a model to take a photo of.
8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
   fashion is a trend. Photojournalism is for news.
9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?

    To try to persuade us that it is wrong.
10. Why are none of these videos about guys??
      Guys don't need to look good 

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