Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Learning how to interview

assignment #1

1. Students, Parents, Superintendent.

1. Students
    -What do think about the new district policy?
    -What would you change about the policy?
    -Do you think the policy is too strict? How?
    -How have other students at your school reacted?
    -What do you like about the uniforms?
    -What do you dislike about the uniforms?
    -What happens when you don't have your uniform that day?
    -What do your parents think about this new policy?

2. Parents
    -What do you think about the new district policy?
    -How does the new policy effect your student?
    -Do the uniforms cost you money? if so how much?
    -How many uniforms do you have to have?
    -What do you like about the uniforms?
    -What do you dislike about the uniforms?
    -What did you get to use for clothing when you were in school?
    -Do you think changing the policy randomly is okay?

3. Superintendent
    -What pushed you to make this decision?
    -How are the students reacting to this decision?
    -Do the teachers have to dress in uniforms?
    -What have uniforms changed in the students?

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