Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the month interview

Whats your name?
Payton Bellman.
What grade are you in?
Why do you think you were picked?
No idea.
What type of grades to you make?
A's and B's.
How important is school to you?
Very Important.
What is your day routine after school?
Netflix, Chores, Homework.
What are your studying methods?
Repetition .
How did you react when you got student of the month?
Not surprised because everyone got the student of the month.
How did your friends react when you got student of the month?
They were very happy.
How did your parents react when you got student of the month?
They were very proud.
What all did you have to achieve to become student of the month?
Work hard.
How many times can you be the student of the month?
Every month .
Do you receive any certificates for becoming the student of the month?
Yes, I got a gold metal.
What is your advantages to the other students?
I am very smart.
Does being student of the month make you strive for better grades?
Yes, I now know my brains full potential.
Does your competition make you scared?
No, I am too smart.
What job do you want to have?
I want to be a detective.
Who do you look up too?
My mom and dad.
What makes you want to make good grades?
How much competition do you have?

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